It was the logistics. So we went SWA, each kid checked a bag as did I. The 4 big kids had carry ons that I divided up as snack bag, electronic bag, books and so on. I had Savannah on my hip and a car seat strapped to my back. We looked, well, you for sure saw us. Our flight from Dallas was great. We got to the airport about 1 hr 25 min early. We flew out around 3:15 Dallas time and got to Udaho at 8:35. We had two stops on the way but did not deplane. We did get to see inside the cockpit and Savannah carried on the Olympic sport of sprinting up and down the isle as we waited for new passengers to board. All in all a great but long flight. All this to hold a new baby totally worth it all!! He is precious and I'll post more about the visit and him later.
So that leads us to our return. The best I could do was 6:40 am.
So picture this and imagine the movies when a crazy family is RUNNING through the airport. Let's put it this way, I made my first run in the morning today since about 3 years now!!!
5 kids, one in jammies, 4 carry ons and a car seat and a lady who had the grace of Nancy Reagan(not being me)!
We got to airport 5:40. Some dude checked 20 bags at sky cap and only 1 worker. Then security was worse then the line to get into Target on Thanksgiving night. I asked if we could go in another line and showed them my boarding passes. They said no. Go to the end.
So I did. I didn't expect special treatment. Just assumed they had a plan since the airport was so backed up. Apparently when you fly that early you deal with the TSA transition. Apparently that needs some tweeting!
So this leads me to Nancy Reagan. As I stood in the BACK of this long line, dragging the car seat on the ground as each of my kids took turns sitting in it, this lady walks up to be. She hold my arm and insists I am suppose to be up front. I explained to her what I was told and unfortunately there is no line for 'families' or for 'about to miss my flight which means I will miss my connection, which means we are at the airport all day plus some with 5 kids'. She looked at the ladies in front of me and said, "Ladies, I am positive that if the 3 of us work together we can get this young mother through security! Can you help?" With much hesitation, they all said, ok. I kept telling her I really appreciated it but not to worry. She was VERY persistent and quickly had me a spot help a number of people up the line. But I knew once we got into the 'zig zig' line of security my minutes were numbered. That is where the serious players are and no one will be cutting in line! So, I simply asked this man that worked at the airport what I should do as far as a plan B. I pointed out I had not missed a flight before, so I needed to know if I should begin re booking or how to handle it all. He pretty much said well, you aren't going to make the flight. And walked off. About 2 minutes later, I notice Nancy speaking to him. I didn't think much of it. It was 6:38 and my flight was 6:40, far away. The same man came back over to me. He took my passes and said, "MAM you are priority. Your in the wrong line." I was like. "No I just have a boarding pass. He said, "No you have priority."
And at that point, literally shuffles us to security and the front. I was totally confused. I said I had no idea. When I asked the agent he told me I couldn't go up. Ended up the guy told a lie to prevent riot and let us get to the front. He said if he didn't lie that people would have thrown punches. I hugged him. Maybe kissed his cheek. Then off we ran!! I took Laurel's carry on at gate 3 and told her to run as fast as she could to gate 22. Chloe ran with her. It was an insane mess. I had the car seat bouncing on my back and Savannah bouncing on my hip. She was laughing the entire time. Corbin and Anabelle were hanging in there, but when I saw we had a turn and a long way still, I had to break out the candy. I promised them that if we got on our flight I would buy candy in Phoenix during our layover! They got to the gate and told them mommy is coming. The problem now was that everyone was on the plane! So our 6 seats were not together!!!!
But in true Southwest Airline fashion, the crew and passengers made 2 rows available to us. I was very grateful!
2nd flight was a 45 min layover. So thankful for that!!! And yes, I got candy for all my kids at 7:45 in the morning!
A nice lady that was in front of us(who happened to also work for SWA) saw us in the little stores near our next gate. She was on that plan as well and insisted on taking my car seat off my back. People are still incredibly kind. My kids were just amazing. And they were told that by a million people in the airport. I was so thankful for that.
We got home and all was well! I would do it again just to see that cute baby!
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