The kids helped me make a few batches of cookies.. Savannah was my taste tester. I think she approved!
So, the 1st snow day and we have 2 more kids. Wonder what more days will bring! We have my 5 and then Sam and Hayley, Chloe and Corbin's little friends! It was a fun day. We had 2 kids painting in the kitchen, 2 boys building amazing things with Lego's in my dining room. 2 girls playing a lot of American Girl doll and writing books upstairs. And a little red head cracking herself up! Lunch was interesting. NO one wanted the same thing. I totally felt like a short order cook! But once I got lunch on the table, the quietness was amazing! Sweet kids! Loved having them over! So, I am sure at this point we will have school on Thursday. I am really, we live in Dallas. The little girls were super sad that they missed the 2 days before because they were suppose to have celebrated the 100th day of school. They get to dress up like 100 year old people that day. It is a huge deal! So, once again we wake up to NO SCHOOL! Yikes. My house already looks like a category 5 storm has hit. I really wanted Savannah to go to speech, so luckily her speech therapist was going to go into her office. So, I packed everyone up and we headed out. We called some more friends and said we wanted to pick them up and bring them home with us! I told the little girls that I would let them put on their 100 year old outfits and we could go visit Chloe's kindergarten teacher from 2 years ago. So I had some excited kids!
Mrs. Paulette let us invade her nice quiet house! She made old people faces on the kids and let them run around and play upstairs. She also let us eat yummy brownies!
Juju, Anabelle and Laurel! They are so cute and funny being old!
Chloe got to have fun just because! And Jackson is such a trooper with all these girls!
Well, there is a couch.. it needs to be climbed according to Nana!
So a special treat. First, we saw Garrett. He played with us for a while. Then we got to skype with Ms. Jenna! She is AMAZING! Her music is loved in our house! Totally cool, you can see her in the picture! Check her out here..
And this is one of my favorites. I think Nana is looking Sassy here:) So we got home and our friends went home as well. Daddy got home, but before he did we had the weather on around 5pm or so. They were scrolling the schools being called for Friday closings. I KNOW we will be at school. We HAVE to be at school. Are you freakin kidding me. There is read, Prestonwood Christian Academy. The kids lit up! I fell dramatically to the middle of the floor. They ALL jumped off the couch and laid on me! excited! I told them I was going to drop them all off at Dr. Taylor's house on Friday(That is our head master). They all laughed and thought that sounded fun! I did run out to Michael's that night to get some Valentine's Day card crafts. When the 14th comes, I have to help 4 kids(now 5) make cards for their classes. That is a lot of cards my friends! I got a few things and a few movies. The weather said a slight dusting of snow for our area. The biggest problem though is that we had not been above the teens for 4 days. So the ice was still a huge problem. Around midnight I crawled in bed. I looked outside and laughed because there was no snow to be seen. I thought, 'of course they got it wrong again.' I hopped up around 20 minutes later, only to see a white layer of snow! By the morning, some areas had 3-6 inches. So, I guess they were wrong. They said 1-3 inches! My kids one by one showed up in our room in awe...asking when we could play. I laid in bed begging Fred to not go to work..he is such a good day. He stayed and played all day with us! By 9am we had a call from my mom and sister and her fam that they wanted to come play! So play we did!
Savannah kept running to the window. She was in awe of what she was looking at. I loved seeing the amazement of God's wonders in her little eyes today!
So we tried the laundry basket sledding. FAILED. We resorted to my dad's sleds from the 1950s. WIN!
Savannah saw all the kids go get a laundry basket. She ran and got one and climbed in it and laughed! She was so a little part of the fun(without even getting cold!)
I charged the jeep but it couldn't handle the snow!
Well, after the first run of cold, my kids came flying in and stripped down! We threw their pants in the dryer. I had cider on the stove all day and hot chocolate! Perfect for warming up!
Uncle Neal, Glenn and Anabelle heading out to the hill!
Daddy rocks! Look at him. He is about to smack Chloe!
Anabelle's COLD face!
Uncle Neal and baby Glenn. Glenn loved it!
Chloe sure can move that thing!
After Gigi, Neal, Glenn and Ninny showed up we had more fun! A run at the hill and then sledding behind the truck! Chloe and I rocked it!
Oh, and Gigi fell under the truck while telling us over and over how unsafe we are... loved that one!
Anabelle was so cute. When she was done she yelled, "BAIL!"
Corbin just kept screaming.. THIS IS SO AWESOME!
Lala's smile tells it all!
Ya..Gigi could help herself.. She had fun!
Our friends showed up to play with us as well. 3 more kids, 2 adults! Most of us with the smarts to warm up.. but even when it got dark we still had 2 parents and a kid on the hill! Glenn LOVED all the fun kids!
Finally those missing parents and child came in. We had some great tortilla soup, some snow ice cream and lots of visiting! I LOVE THIS.. I probably have a million pictures of this island...with people around it.. This brings me so much joy!
Chloe loved having Carley to play with.
Well, everyone left and we all are in bed. It is cold outside, but tomorrow is suppose to warm up. I imagine we will still have some snow to play in. The kids want to make , 'Snow Sculptures' tomorrow. I suppose a good ole snow man is boring at this point!
The funny farm is closed! Bye Bye baby Glenn!
Fun we had.. Fun we will have..
This Video is of Ginny and Glenn coming down the hill. Then Chloe, then Laurel. It is right behind out house and so fun! Chloe went so fast at one point this morning she flew across the street and hit the gate at the tennis courts! Good times:)
Anabelle thought this was pretty cool. She was so cute as she yells "BAIL" at the end!
Gigi and Corbin are having fun, despite Gigi's need to remind us we are not safe!!!:)
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