Blog Archive

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

So much learned....

Corbin Being Silly of course..

Happy Laurel...

Sensitive Anabelle...

In it because they love it... wonderful teachers..

No words to explain the angel this teacher is... her mark on our lives...

Wow, this has been one of the most educating falls of my life. I have learned so much of what I can do, what I cannot do, what my kids can do, what my kids cannot handle, what my husband can do, what an entire school district won't do, what a few passionate people will do...but most of all what He wants me to do.
A lot of what has transpired through all of this I cannot post about for a while. But here are a few highlights:
1. I have learned that I can say no! I can tell others, 'I just cannot commit to that right now.'
2. I have learned that I can say why not? I have learned that when something that seems obviously sensible is requested and shot down, 'why not?' can get a lot of mileage.
3. I have learned that I can let go. I can move on from a situation that otherwise will pull me down and I will pull those I love down with me in the process.
4. I have learned I cannot do everything on my own. I need my husband and I need Jesus.
5. I have learned I cannot do EVERYTHING. I can make each day special with just words to my kids. The day doesn't have to be wrapped up in Martha Stewart crafts or perfect pictures posted every place.
6. I have learned that Anabelle can teach Savannah just about anything. Her patients with Savannah is amazing. I have learned that Laurel can make me smile in the midst of anger. I have learned that Chloe can do just about anything in this house. I have learned that Corbin can crack anyone up at anytime, almost like a challenge. I have learned that Savannah can learn just about anything....seriously.
7. I have learned that Anabelle cannot work the remote on the TV! I have learned that Laurel cannot be forced to eat more then 5 bites of dinner. I have learned that Chloe cannot handle major change without preparation. I have learned that Corbin cannot stay awake(ok, that isn't too new). I have learned that Savannah cannot be judged in her ability to do anything!
8. I have learned that my husband can move mountains for his children when necessary. Fortunately most people never have to learn this...but fortunately for me, I have seen it and am so grateful for it!
9. I have learned that some people who basically take an 'oath' to teach children and who are often said, 'to be in it because they love it not for the money.' are not always the case. I have seen first hand people in this position choose the money instead of helping the child. If you asked me to help you move and I said yes, I am not going to just show up with tape and hand it to you to put on your box. I am going to help you pack your stuff to protect it and give it the best chance of making it to the next location. I am going to tape it up well and help you get it in your truck. Unfortunately, I have now encountered those who just offer the tape, sad... that is when your heart isn't in it as much as your wallet is.
10. I have learned there are teachers out there that are using the gift God gave them just like God intended. What they have done in my child's life is beyond words. They are the ones that are helping mold the generations of our future. The are the ones #9, should strive to be.
11. I have learned that God has a plan and a purpose for me. That in every situation, like it or not, He is strengthening me to do bold things for Him. He is preparing me for more to come. Although at times that scares me to death, I can look back at each path, divot, hole, mountain behind me and say, ok...we did that...what is next?

I have learned that nothing is for sure. That I am thankful when I feel like I have a full team showing up for the game. But when we loose a player for whatever reason, we are a team and can manage until the next key player arrives. As long as I stay faithful to Him, I know it is going to be a winning finish.

I love my life. I love my Chloe. I love my Laurel. I love my Anabelle. I love my Corbin. Ohhhhhh.... Do I ever love my Savannah Jane. And I adore the love of my life, Fred. And it is all because He loved me first that I can love all of this!

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